The No-Brainer Starter Kit That’ll Help You Build An Unshakable Foundation For Your Fitness Journey

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For The Busy Professionals And High-Achievers Ready To See Success Across Every Aspect Of Their Life:

The No-Brainer Starter Kit That’ll Help You Build An Unshakable Foundation For Your Fitness Journey

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Astute Fitness Cycling Endurance Training

This Kickstarter Kit is everything you need

You might’ve tasted achievements in other areas of your life.

A good job, a healthy relationship, a nice house...

And you might know what it takes to rise above mediocrity. 

But when it comes to your fitness…

Your own personal health…

Something seems to constantly hold you back.

  • You don't have the time in your demanding schedule
  • You're not clear on what you need to do to truly transform your physical capabilities
  • You don't believe you have what it takes to get in better shape
  • You've fallen down the rabbit hole of what you could do, and now have option paralysis

 Maybe you’ve heard what an IRONMAN marathon is and have dreamed of crossing the finish line yourself one day.

Or you just want to feel truly confident in your own skin…

For so many people, their lives revolve around a frustrating cycle of false starts and unmet resolutions with their fitness goals.


There’s two main reasons:

No guidance and the wrong mindset.

Astute Fitness 1-2-1 Coaching Testimonial by Anna Robbins
Astute Fitness 1-2-1 Coaching Testimonial by Tony

Don't become infected with defeat before you give yourself the chance to start.


Here’s the truth…

There’s a way to finally exhaust that self-doubt, and find unshakable confidence…

All while keeping pace with life and avoiding burnout.

You don’t need to sift through the internet hoping to stumble across the magic solution. 

And you don’t need to waste time and energy force-fitting programs meant for someone else's lifestyle and goals.

Astute Fitness Endurance Training Courses

It all starts with the Astute Mindset: Drive, clarity, and confidence

Proper mindset is by far one of the biggest hurdles I faced when starting my journey.

But it was also the biggest boost once I conquered it.

What it really comes down to is will power — your ability to face adversity head-on…

And keep moving forward (If you’re on my email list, you’ll notice I sign EVERY email off with that).

Mindset and fitness have an unbreakable connection. 

They're two ends of a pendulum.

With momentum from one side — your mindset — it swings to the other side.

And in the same breath…

Without a solid mindset, there’s no momentum.

Your mindset isn’t the magic answer to peak performance, it’s the fuel you need every single day to take the next step up.

Astute Fitness 1-2-1 Coaching Testimonial by Sam
Astute Fitness 1-2-1 Coaching Testimonial by Sam Jackson

Why not having proper guidance will leave you dead in the water

Whether you’re in shape already and want to reach the next level, 

Or you’re finding the strength to take step one…

Proper guidance is invaluable. We learn things in 3 different ways: 

By seeing it done 

By hearing how it’s done 

By doing it yourself 

When you have proper guidance — someone leading you who’s seen, heard, and experienced everything you need to know…

You give yourself a GIGANTIC head start.

You’re not building your own staircase from scratch…

You’re having a master build each step for you.

And being told exactly how it works, why it works, and where to go next.

All you need to do?

Put your foot down and push yourself.


Give Me My Starter Kit

Who Am I?

I’m Matt, and I’ve been a Certified IRONMAN and ICF Accredited Coach for over 10 years.

Over a decade ago I was a fat banker. I didn’t work out or take care of myself at all and it felt normal for years…

  • I was overweight.
  • My joints felt like they were betraying me.
  • I was drinking more alcohol than I was drinking water.
  • I was slouched over a desk all day like a hunchback.

No part of my journey was easy, but anchoring my journey with the proper mindset was the #1 best decision I ever made.

I decided I wanted to enjoy the next 10, 20, 30 years of my life — not just get through them.


I’ve personally helped people who were in that same position go on to do the extraordinary.

People who felt trapped in their job…

Stuck in a cycle of unhealthy habits…

And full of potential to change their physical well being — and their life.

Matt Davies IRONMAN Certified Coach and Personal Trainer

Matt coached me through my fitness journey and I LOVED every minute of working with him.

With my busy work and family life, I didn’t think I had time to put my health and fitness back up my priority list, but I worked 1:1 with Matt and together we've achieved some amazing results.

I’m fitter, healthier and more full of energy than back when I was 20. I’ve learned lessons which I'll stick to now forever & not only is my health back on track, but I now have more energy to throw into my career than ever, so I’m smashing goals there as well.

The question isn’t whether you can afford to work with Matt & Team Astute; The question you should be asking yourself is whether you can afford not to!

— Treacy Victoria

It's not every day that you encounter a professional who not only excels in their field but also inspires and motivates others to reach their peak potential. Matt is one of those people. 

As an IronMan competitor and a dedicated Life Coach, his blend of expertise and in-depth knowledge puts him in a league of his own.

What sets him apart is his genuine empathy. He doesn’t just coach; he connects. He listens intently, understands the challenges his clients face, and guides them with a compassionate yet firm hand (don't I know it!)

Matt isn't just an IronMan and a Life Coach; he is a catalyst for change. If you're looking to surpass your limits and embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth, Matt is the guide you need by your side.

It's an honour to call him my coach and my friend.

— Andy Brown

The Astute Mindset Kickstarter Kit: Who’s it for?

With my 10+ years of experience as a Certified IRONMAN Coach and Personal Trainer, I wanted to create something for my brave starters.

I made this Kickstarter Kit in order to show all of you...

That by training smarter, eliminating guesswork, and making training efficient…

Astute Fitness is changing how you build momentum.

This is NOT for you if you:

❌ Want to avoid taking accountability

❌ Are completely happy with your physical fitness currently

❌ Are expecting success to be handed to you

❌ Don’t have at least 30 minutes a day to give yourself 

❌ Can’t fathom a life where you take on fitness challenges that seem difficult

❌ Want to stay stagnant in life and don’t want to reach peak performance

It’s okay if you’re not ready to take on a change like this…

But this Kickstarter Kit will help prepare you..

to win every single day.


Astute Fitness Endurance Training Courses

This kit was designed for you, reading this, who’s:


✅ Sick of feeling unhealthy, unmotivated, and stagnant

✅ Tired of feeling like fitness just isn’t for you

✅ Frustrated because the goals you have seem like distant dreams

✅ Afraid of taking step one because you don’t want to waste time and money 

✅ Ready to say “yes” to small, incremental wins every single day. 

✅ Sees the value of mindset, but just needs a helpful guide on how to implement that value

✅ Willing to accept guidance

✅ Ready to make today the day you look back at and smile

✅ Excited to feel the best you’ve felt in years

At its core, this Astute Mindset Kickstarter Kit hands you a turnkey system for taking your very first strides on the path toward hitting physical milestones.

No more shooting in the dark… 

No more treating fitness like an afterthought that gets whatever scattered efforts you have at the end of the day…

It's one trusted, step-by-step guide that empowers you to make measurable progressions week over week for an entire month.

Giving you a taste of how seamless and efficient achieving your fitness goals can be.


I'm Ready To Make A Change Today!

What do you get out of it? 


This Kickstarter Kit will equip you with the essentials to starting your journey.

It’s not meant to change your life overnight…

And it’s not meant to be a miracle…

It’s designed to show you exactly how Astute Fitness operates — how making small, powerful changes to your daily routine is the new way to lasting fitness.

Here’s what you’ll receive:

🏋️ A tailored 4-week workout plan emphasizing achievable, time-efficient routines ideal for driven professionals looking to kickstart their fitness journey.

🍽️ A complementary 4-week nutrition plan with simple, convenient meal prep solutions designed to fit into your life seamlessly.

🧠 A downloadable guide: "The Astute Mindset: 10 Mental Shifts for Smashing Your Fitness Goals" – for providing mental strategies to overcome common hurdles faced when starting out.

Give Me My Kickstarter Kit!


For years, I lived under the pretense that fitness wasn’t my strong suit...

That the office life would consume me,

And there was nothing I could do.

I needed a clear and concise roadmap handed to me.

But after half-hearted internet searches, spinning my wheels in the mud, and almost surrendering to self-doubt…

I realized how easy it should be.

How much people like you deserve a chance to say “yes” without fearing failure.

Enough feeling "stuck" watching life's greatest physical accomplishments pass you by.

With my 4 week Astute Mindset Kickstarter Kit, you’ll:

✔️ Realize how seamless fitting effective and gratifying workouts into your schedule can be

✔️ Witness the power of the mind, and feel a new wave of drive, clarity, and confidence

✔️ Feel relief in knowing a diet that feels good can still be time efficient, budget friendly, and work synergistically with your busy life.

What's The Cost?

There are some coaches that charge upwards of $350 just for a 4-6 week workout guide and nutrition plan.

But I’m charging way, WAY less than that because I truly think starting is the hardest part.

And why would I want to make step one more difficult with obnoxious prices that scare you away right off the bat?

So I’m not going to charge you $350…

I’m not even gonna charge you $200…

My original price for this guide was $97 because I wanted people to get their money’s worth while still compensating myself for the effort I put into it.

But because you’ve read this far…

And because you’ll be one of the first people to see actionable steps laid out for you like a recipe for success…

I’m lowering the price even more: 

A Single Payment of $27

No Brainer, I'm In!

My goal has been to build a community of driven individuals that aren’t afraid to move forward.

A family of people with the ability to dream, and then achieve.

A team of Astute Mindset Winners.

I’ve already started building that very community:

Matt coached me towards my marathon & he was my absolute rock, not only providing me with the training plan, but offering support, advice and encouragement throughout. 

I learned so much about building a training plan, when I needed to rest, when to push harder & how to fuel my training and runs. 

I thought a marathon was the absolute pinnacle of what I could achieve but I have come back to Matt time and time again to use his coaching expertise and now I can proudly call myself an ultra-marathoner- something I never thought I'd achieve! 

 If you want to get in shape and work towards any kind of goal, I couldn’t recommend Matt & Astute Fitness more highly! There is no-one else I would go to!

— Holly Clark

You’ve read this far mate. It’s time to take the leap and get going…


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